Top 5 Common Modelling Mistakes to avoid

Modelling is competitive and challenging, therefore, one wrong move can derail your career. So, to help you we compiled a list of 5 common modelling mistakes you need to avoid in modelling.
Being Late
This is obvious. No one likes to wait, so make sure you arrive at least 15 minutes early. This will act as a buffer for when you don’t find parking, or if the entrance is hard to locate or that unpredictable bit of traffic
Being too eager
Time is money. Staying back an extra 10 minutes to be nice is good but do not go beyond that. If you do so once, your clients will expect the same from you the next time. Sometimes it may so happen that you are not able to stay longer which will then disappoint your clients.
Being on your phone
It is extremely disrespectful to be on your phone during a shoot or when you are on set. If you do so it will project disinterest to your clients. You do not want to appear as a diva, so tuck away your phone while on set and interact with the team instead.
Not carrying your basics
You need to be able to look your best in a heartbeat. So make sure you carry a concealer, foundation, gloss, a blush, face mist etc. To know more about what to include in a models bag read Must Have Items in a Models bag.
Taking rejection personally
Models get turned down numerous times before they land a job. They are not chosen for a multitude of reasons. It could sometimes be because they have already booked someone with the same description as you, so do not take it personally and let it demoralise you. Modelling requires patience and commitment. If it is your dream do not give up!
If you successfully avoid these 5 common modelling mistakes, you will definitely be on the right track.
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